Attention and Emotional Development in Children Study
Our research team is dedicated to learning what causes attention, emotional and learning problems in children. We hope that better understanding the cognitive and biological bases of behavior will help to improve the assessment and treatment of common psychological concerns.

Interested in participating in the Child Attention and Emotional Development Study?
Child Attention and Development Lab
255 Moore Building
University Park, PA 16802-9959
Phone: 814-863-0250
Study Information
We are looking for boys and girls between the ages of 8 and 12 who may or may not may not have a problem with anxiety or attention. Families may earn up to a $100 gift card to Amazon and obtain clinical feedback regarding their child’s emotional, behavioral, academic, and neuropsychological functioning.
Children will receive a small prize after each session!
Study Procedures

Screening Questionnaires
Your child’s primary caregiver and one school teacher will complete questionnaires online. Your child’s teacher will be emailed a $10 gift card to Amazon for their time. If your child is not eligible to participate after this, you will be emailed a $10 gift card to Amazon for your time.

Lab Visit 1
If your child remains a good fit for the study, we will schedule a 3-hour on-campus visit for you and your child. Afternoons, evenings, and weekends are available! During this visit, your child will play games on a computer and do school activities. You will complete an interview with one of our study staff and fill out questionnaires about your child. If you only complete this visit, you will be emailed a $50 gift card to Amazon.

Lab Visit 2
If your child remains a good fit for the study, we will schedule a second 3-hour on-campus visit. After this visit, you will be emailed a $100 gift card to Amazon. You will also receive informal verbal feedback on your child’s performance from a clinically trained graduate student. In addition, you can request a written feedback report for your records.