Penn State Penn State: College of the Liberal Arts

Child Attention and Learning Lab

Department of Psychology

Current Lab Members

Our lab is comprised of many dedicated graduate students and undergraduate research assistants, who work with each of our participants to better understand ADHD and its implications.  Our graduate students, as well as many of our undergraduate research assistants, complete theses or independent projects to enrich their understanding of ADHD and child psychopathology.

Learn more about our current team and joining our lab below!

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  6.  | Dr. Cynthia Huang-Pollock

Dr. Cynthia Huang-Pollock

CAL Lab Director | Professor of Psychology

CAL Lab Director | Professor of Psychology

254 Moore Building
Child Study Center
The Pennsylvania State University
University Park , PA 16802

Dr. Huang-Pollock is interested in the cognitive and neuropsychological mechanisms that contribute to the development of severe attention, learning, and disruptive behavior problems in children.

Childhood Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is among the most common reasons for referral to medical, psychological, and school services, and is a significant risk factor for multiple poor outcomes, including academic underachievement and peer relationship problems.

Her current research, funded by NIMH, seeks to identify how children with attention problems acquire new skills, and the degree to which this may explain chronic problems in the acquisition and execution of routine academic and social processes in daily life. She is also interested in understanding the cognitive mechanisms that could explain why ADHD is such a potent risk factor for anxiety disorders and other mental health problems.